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Teachers of Information Competence Development Teaching Team of School of Electronic Information Engineering Attended National Conference on Programming Education in Universities

   From May 26th to 28th, 2023, "National Conference on Programming Education in Colleges and Universities" was held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, co-organized by the Steering Committee of Computer Science Teaching in Colleges and Universities, the National Research Association of Computer Education in Colleges and Universities, and Computer Education Magazine. The conference was held in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. More than 300 representatives from more than 100 universities, research institutes, enterprises and institutions participated in the conference in online and offline ways.
   The conference invited 11 famous experts, scholars and teaching masters from programming field and related fields to give theme reports, and 21 front-line teachers from universities to present papers and cases, who shared their views on programming talent cultivation, curriculum teaching and reform, curriculum and laboratory construction, online programming training, teaching material construction, teacher training, excellent teaching cases, etc., which provide a good opportunity for university teachers to improve their teaching concepts, improve teaching methods, enrich and improve their teaching methods, and improve their teaching skills. They provided reference for college teachers to improve teaching concepts, improve teaching methods, enrich and improve teaching methods.
   Teachers Zhang Yong, Zhou Datian and Zhang Mei from the teaching team of Information Competence Module of the School of Telecommunications attended the meeting and had in-depth exchanges with teachers from other universities on course construction, teaching methods, assessment means and methods, teaching cooperation, etc.