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【International Exchange】Applications for the 2023 NUS "3+1+1" Program Open

   Applications for the "3+1+1" program for 2023-2024 are now open. The application period for this year is from January 16, 2023 to March 26, 2023. Students will be notified by phone of the specific interview dates and arrangements, so please ensure that your communication is open. The university may also open a second round of applications depending on the actual situation.
   If you are interested in applying, please submit the completed Program Student Information Registration Form (see attached) to hmguo@bjtu.edu.cn by March 24, 2023. Please note that the information on the Program Student Information Registration Form needs to be completed. At the same time, please visit the website of NUS Admissions System: http://application.nusri.cn/NusriEdu/register/registerAccount to register your personal account for online application and upload relevant application materials. The university will later review the information based on the materials uploaded in the system.
   Required documents for online application:
  Color scanned copies of transcripts of the first five semesters in English and Chinese (if transcripts do not have GPA or GPA, additional proof of GPA must be submitted)
  Scanned color copy of IELTS/TOEFL
  If you do not have IELTS/TOEFL, please upload a scanned copy of your Grade 4 or 6 transcripts
Please note that the tuition fee for the first "+1" of the "3+1+1" program, i.e., the articulation program at NUS Soo, will increase to RMB 80,000 per academic year in 2023-2024.